
Friday, June 19, 2009

This is why I quit dating…

This woman uses the word “great” three times in the first four sentences of her dating profile Self-Summary (below). That’s almost once a sentence. And then she has the audacity to say men should “move on” if they want a casual encounter with her. I wouldn’t dream of having a formal encounter with a woman that has everything so fucking GREAT! Shit I wouldn’t even want a causal encounter or to even accidently brush by her while walking past her on the train. People like this make me squirm.

My Self-Summary

Well I am 36 and very happy with my life. I have a great job and own my own place so I'm doing pretty well. I have great friends and family that I am very close too, I love spending time with them. So basically I have a great life and I am just looking to find someone to spend it with. I am not on here for casual encounters, so if that is all you are looking for please move on.


countrygirl said...

What is the education level of this girl? Perhaps her knowledge of adjectives is very limited...

Dickie said...

You know I don't remember her education level. I think she was in banking/finance. I think she just a very boring person.