
Monday, February 07, 2005

"Waking Up Angry," by John Trubee

I've noticed that many mornings I awaken angry. Not a full-throttle rage nor a specific upset; rather, the nebulous snit of a resting body that wishes to remain resting, a body that realizes it's tromping a treadmill of meaningless activity just for the money. If you pause to consider that so much of our waking life is monopolized by JUST GETTING MONEY to support our existence, while so many of our wants and needs and goals and dreams are interminably postponed for this endless circle of meaningless activity just to get the money, just to live another day, just to trudge through the meaningless circle yet again innumerable times--if you dwelled upon it too much it'd drive you mad! Our invaluable lifetimes are forever squandered in empty cycles of absurdity.

Get the money to eat to live another day to get the money to eat to live another day to get the money to eat to live another day to...

In the realm of dreams the body/mind continuum considers what it needs and wants; the alarm clock informs us only of what we HAVE to do. It resists, the body resents the clock and the imperative of external expectations, the body dances this eternal circle as if in a zombie's dream.

John Trubee
PO Box 4921
Santa Rosa, CA 95402 USA
"A junkyard dog staked to a short chain
chasing himself in tight circles of sorrow and madness"

Copyright (C) John Trubee, 2005

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