
Tuesday, February 15, 2005

John Trubee rants against "Enterntainment"

I am too diseased to enjoy most entertainment anymore.

I used to like THE OUTER LIMITS as a kid but I bought some episodes at the local video store--and now it all looks like a bunch of silly hocum bullshit: an amorphous monster from another dimension somehow enters ours, threatens and kills people, then is ultimately destroyed by the bewildered scientists or by some hero or by circumstances. A stentorian narrator voices over some pseudo-profundity, some fake philosophical malarkey--and we're all supposed to buy it as some insight to the "human condition" or some enlightenment to our lives. In the meantime I have just wasted an hour of my life.

Entertainment? No--bullshit. I don't have the time or patience to have my time and patience wasted by carny barkers. If this makes me a Byronian grump, so be it.

Feh! Feh! Feh!

And the Grammys? Remember all those kids you hated in junior high school? Remember how they all wanted to be in the talent show and ham and mug onstage, little applause whores like Sammy Davis Jr., neurotically needing attention from everyone else? Remember how the votes were fixed--how they were all friends who voted for each other to win their stupid, fake prizes? Remember how you thought they were all pathetic, hammy dipshits?

Now look at the Grammys. And The Oscars. And The Emmys. And the Golden Globes. And The Tonys. Regardless of whoever wins in whatever year for whatever work: how is this information of benefit to my life?

I was over at my pal Carl Franzoni's house the night before last. I was flipping through the TV channels by remote (I do not have cable at my place--thank God). We watched a bit of 'Speed 2' with Sandra Bullock and a shipload of screaming extras on a cruise ship pirated by a creepy mofo played by Wilhem Dafoe. I knew if I watched it all I'd be treated to ages of screaming extras in life vests drenched by splashing water with the camera jiggling at cockeyed angles, that Sandra Bullock would win and Wilhem Dafoe would die--but only after something really bad happened to the ship. Do I really need to see this shit? For what purpose or meaning? What value is this crappy visual information, this alleged "entertainment" to me?

You see how "entertainment" is a waste of our precious time on earth? If you have no goals or nothing to accomplish on this earth, then by all means--jump in the cesspool of entertainment stupidity. It's a wonderful waste of time.

Take a walk around a cemetery every once in a while as I do. Remind yourself that you will soon be there yourself. That'll help focus your mind on what is valuable in life as opposed to what is bullshit. It'll help you can get down and take care of business--and flush all the bullshit out of your life.

Do you really want to waste your life being "entertained" by bullshit?

John Trubee
PO Box 4921
Santa Rosa, CA 95402 USA
A junkyard dog staked to a short chain
chasing himself in tight circles of sorrow and madness"

Copyright (C) John Trubee, 2005

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