
Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Quotes by John Trubee

"Behind love's hypocritical mask schemes a monster whose vocation is barfing new life into the world. For what purpose? There is no purpose."
--John Trubee

"God and Satan are hallucinations within the skulls of those who project them out into the world with which to grapple and shift blame as a strategy to evade personal responsibility. True believers resemble psychotic beasts."
--John Trubee

"To refuse to acknowledge the dark side and to always hide pain and disease and death
is to lie about life."
--John Trubee

"Overconfidence and unreflective optimism are borne of inexperience, incuriosity, and a dearth of knowledge. Beware of the strutting men of action."
--John Trubee

"I'd rather speak my mind than win the popularity contest. That popular people are popular implies that they think of nothing provocative to express or that they, like craven weakling ninnies, muffle it in deference to favorable public opinion."
--John Trubee

"It is preferable to have nothing to lose. It encourages you to do colorful and outrageous and provocative things. This is preferable to existing merely as a bland, conformist, mediocre normal terrified of the opinions of others."
--John Trubee

"We are essentially naked against eternity, and time eventually blows us and everything we own to the winds not unlike a passing, indifferent foot crushing an ant colony. Our tortured and incessant clawing after money is laughably meaningless in the face of eternity."
--John Trubee

"The reward for working hard and playing by the rules: they give you permission to exist for another day so that they can continue to steal more time from your life."
--John Trubee

"Nobody likes whiners and complainers; thus I have taught myself to automatically parrot 'Great! Great! That's great!' in insincere social blandishments in order to avoid being murdered before my time."
--John Trubee

"The difference between normal people and me is I possess the ability to remove my blinders to face grim, despairing reality with utter joy and unperturbed confidence. Normal people kill themselves when circumstances and new information force them to countenance reality devoid of socially-induced delusions."
--John Trubee

John Trubee
PO Box 4921
Santa Rosa, CA 95402 USA
"A junkyard dog staked to a short chain
chasing himself in tight circles of sorrow and madness"

Copyright (C) John Trubee, 2005

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