
Saturday, February 12, 2005

Dickie the Parrot

John, I have finally had time to really read these quotes of yours that I posted on my website. The one that I like the best is this:

"Nobody likes whiners and complainers; thus I have taught myself to automatically parrot 'Great! Great! That's great! in insincere social blandishments in order to avoid being murdered before my time."

--John Trubee

The reason is, THAT IS ME! Whenever someone says, "How ya' doing?, or "How was the movie?" or "How was the flight?" I automatically say GREAT! I don't even think about it. I can have a 104 degree temperature, and be on the verge of vomiting -- and I instinctively say FUCKING GREAT! NEVER FELT BETTER! I just think, the better I say I
am, the less apt they are to probe me and bother me, or have a wig-out and accuse me of being a bitchy-moany complainer. I am literally a parrot: GREAT GREAT GREAT GREAT!

People who complain about complaining really have no clue what sickening whining complainers they are themselves.

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