
Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Show Summary: 06-29-2005

Show Rating: 5 out of 10

Moshe reminds us that Presidential hopefuls, Senators Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden voted for the evil war against Iraq. Moshe explains what placating, appeasing slime these Senators are, and asks them to apologize to the Iraqi people.

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Anonymous said...

i believe that if you really want to be effective then you need a whole lotta contrived anonymity so be it ...
if you read a lot it comes outta
the pages the airwaves are free but it really isn't an subversive
medium...i thought henry rollins was great maybe you two know each other.he travels a lot...........

Dickie said...

Shawn made a mistake on his website. The Nazis are not from Alabama, they're from Arkansas. They're called White Revolution:

Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden won't apologize, I assure you. I still demand an apology though.

I've dealt with enough censorship for one lifetime. If people think I'm too profane, they don't have to listen.

Anonymous said...

nice meetin' with ya keep up the good work ,if you run into miles please ex press my sincere respect
because he deserves every of
and he com...and hope things work out

Dickie said...

I love trolls.

Anonymous said...

my iq is 94 , what the fuck is a troll?

Anonymous said...

useless info i aqctually dig that era when things were ........well
you know better than me , i'm a gotta go watch the game but a real revelation , a revelation indeed..
vaya con dios amigo

33_hertz said...

I'm really looking forward to the Virtual Farewell Tour."Probably the best farewell tour in the world" :)

Anonymous said...

moshe, i love your show. it's like wrestling or soap opera for justice freaks.

a man once went out and found a cow, a dumb animal that could be easily domesticated to produce milk and meat. another man went out and found a fellow man that was dumb and easily domesticated to produce cash, votes and cannon fodder. is there a big difference between the two? is the first one good and the second absolutely evil? it's a never-ending process, a cycle of building hierarchies.

anyway, good luck fighting it. hope you'll find energy to continue for a long long time.

Dickie said...

I can continue so long as people like you could spread the word of God by telling people about my show.

Rock on!