
Thursday, February 07, 2013

Stop crying, John Kerry


Stop crying, John Kerry, sissy. I don’t want to hear it. Just shut the fuck up. Did you cry when you went after that VC sniper who shot at your boat? Did you cry when, as you boast, you killed him? Did you cry when you voted for Gulf War 2, one of the most horseshit wars ever invented? Did you cry over any of the poor, innocent Iraqi children whom the American military killed?

At International House Budapest, when Eszter Baumann, my teacher and professional career assassin, sabotaged my lesson, 7000 miles from home, I sat there and I took it like a man. I didn’t complain. I didn’t cry. It was her moment to destroy me. I let her have her moment of victory. The lowlife cunt could barely contain her smile when she asked me to sign her report indicating that I had failed. Complaining, at the time, that she had set me up to fail would have been undignified. Nobody would have believed me. She was the teacher. An expert. An authority. I have no patience for people  who cry in public. Be a man. Do your fucking crying at home. You probably don’t have nearly as much to cry about as I do. I don’t want to look at it.

While I believe Kerry was really crying, most of the crying done by politicians is just an act. Pretending to cry doesn’t make it any less sickening.

You’re a shit, John Kerry. A shit and a crying, cowardly loser. I am more man than you will ever be, and I don’t need to murder some poor Vietnamese guy trying to defend his country to be a man. Why couldn’t you have just left the VC you shot alone. He was just doing his patriotic duty. You had to stick your neck out and kill the guy, didn’t you, you crying shit.

Stop crying in public, politicians! It’s undignified and unmanly. And this applies especially to Hillary Clinton, who is more man than any of you crying wussie fafos.

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