
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

discount’s psycho, Micheal Phillips

Micheal Phillips (left), at his new gig, discount


God, my last blog post was so awful:

“I deal with more shit each day than you wipe out of your ass in a lifetime.”

How much shit can one wipe out of his ass in a lifetime? It can’t be that much. It didn’t make any sense for me to say this, as I was trying to make the reader understand that the shit I deal with dwarfs the amount of shit that he deals with. Not being sober when I wrote this is not an excuse. People should be arrested for writing sentences like this. When I looked at what I had written, I reminded myself of the worst poet on earth, Micheal Phillips (a.k.a. mjp.)

mjp is a self-published and self-described writer. He tries to sound like Bukowski. I don’t say he’s terrible just because I hate him personally. He is actually a terrible poet. You can find samples of his crappy e-books on I googled him recently and found that he is writing some sort of column for a website that he is involved in called discount I wouldn’t be surprised if he owns this business.

I would not buy anything from any organization that is associated with mjp. mjp is not only a bad poet, but he’s an unscrupulous businessman. Read what this belligerent asshole wrote to me in an email.

mjp is evil. I’m not just saying this because he is a rude, belligerent motherfucker whom I hate. Look at the evil look on his face. He’s got that same deranged look of a psychopath in his eyes that Charles Manson has. Am I wrong? God forbid you’re doing business with a guy like this and he has your address. A guy like this could show up at your house, slice you and your children up, and eat you raw.

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