
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Prince Harry, fucking up people in Afghanistan and fucking up the English language


“Take a life to save a life,” says Prince Harry. He’s a real man. He fucks up so-called insurgents in his helicopter in Afghanistan. It’s manly man stuff, this killing of people in the third world.

About his naked romp in Vegas, Prince Harry says, “A classic example of me probably being too much army and not enough Prince.” Humm, I think that should be “A classic example of my probably being too much army…”

About his brother and sister and law, Prince Harry says, “I only hope that she and him…” I think that should be “I only hope that she and he….”

I really don’t care whom he screws in Vegas. What he does in his private life is his business. But I really do wish this guy would show a little class and set a better example. The first thing Prince Harry could do is stop killing people in immoral wars. The second thing he could do is speak proper fucking English.

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