
Sunday, July 29, 2012

You’re still evolving, assholes.


I read this from this source, and I thought, this is bullshit:

“For one thing, Jones says, with increasingly rare exceptions, survival in the West no longer depends on a person's genes. Advances in medicine and technology enable 98 percent or more of all babies born in the United States, Europe, or Japan, for example, to survive long enough to reproduce and pass on their DNA. In the past, natural selection would have weeded out the less reproductively fit, but no longer.”

I haven’t reproduced. I’ve been weeded. You’re still evolving into more sophisticated assholes, cocksuckers, and bullshitters. You will not have people like me whom you can so easily fuck with and destroy in the future. You will have pruned people like me out of existence. You’ll only have your scumbag, banal selves to contend with in the future. Congratulations. I hope your tenure on this earth as a species is short; you seem to be headed down the path of self-destruction, and I’m happy for this. I hope your children’s children will die in the parched future earth that your animalistic want and cocksuckerness is creating.

This is not just a big fuck you to you from a sore loser. This is a reality that you are faced with. Your asshole DNA may not propagate very far into the future.

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