
Thursday, April 01, 2010

Speak English, fucker

I was listening to Jay Severin while driving in my car. I hate this right-wing fucker. He makes a living off of bashing Mexicans. When he starts to feel cornered in an argument with one of his callers, he calls them a homo and ends the conversation.

As usual, today he bragged about how many women he sexed it up with during his college days at Vassar. This ugly fucker might have gotten a lot of sex in college, but I can assure you that when this sex was done with people that it was quite imaginary. Women just don't dig ugly. Trust me on this.

JaySev was also talking some shit today that I've never heard of. He claimed to have been arrested thirty times protesting for civil rights. He claimed to be a close associate of Abbie Hoffman and, if I remember correctly, Jerry Rubin. I'm surprised he didn't say he was a member of the Chicago seven.

JaySev made this statement about his close Yippie associates:

"I had ran with those guys..."

That made me pause for a second. It sure didn't sound like correct English.

When I stopped I pulled out my verb conjugator iPod app that I had bought for $2.99. I was able to verify that this fucker cannot speak proper fucking English. You can not say "had ran." You can say "had run" if you want to form the past perfect tense. In this case, JaySev was trying to express the simple past tense, so he should not have stuck an auxiliary verb in front of "ran." He should have said "I ran with those guys." I'm sure that if JaySev saw me criticizing him like this he would immediately call me a homo. Everything contrary to JaySev is homo.

What bothers me is that this fucker acts as the English Police, having shitfits when people speak Spanish. If you're going to appoint yourself as the English Police and make money off of bashing Spanish speakers, you better speak fucking English yourself. Otherwise you just look like right-wing, jaw-flapping asshole.