
Sunday, April 03, 2005

Show summary: 04-03-2005

Show Rating: 10 out of 10

Summary: Moshe exposes the cult of The Church of the SubGenius™.

Download the show in MP3 format


Anonymous said...

the church is fake, so burn down the church ok, dont you see around that represent that the church is fake? dont you have eyes?

Dickie said...

For something so fake, they sure are taking some real currency

And I'll burn down any goddamn racket whenever I see fit to do so, Mr./Ms. Afraid-To-Reveal-Your Identify.

Dickie said...

Hi Scooter,

Thanks for posting. I appreciate it.

I think Sub Geniusers are taking the Sub Genius show I did last week
a little too seriously. Yes I am skeptical about the profit motive
behind The Church, yet I was overly theatrical in my scrutiny because
radio is such a boring medium and I felt I had to inject some drama
in order to keep people from falling asleep.

BTW, your show had very good production qualities. I don't know where
you get the energy for all the work you do for the show.


Dickie said...

Scooter, regarding Joe Frank and his fictitious ignorant, anti-Semitic black guy character, first of all, this is radio and there is no way to know that the guy doing the character is black. Second of all, that doesn't really matter. I don't see it as making fun of black stereotypes. I see it as promoting black stereotypes. When Eddie Murphy does Mr. Rogers or when what's-his-name does Homey the Clown, this stuff is done with an attitude. It's satire. It's a value judgment as to whether this stuff is derogatory. Some people would say it is. I really don't have a position on this, yet Joe Frank's black bashing really doesn't have any redeeming qualities whatsoever. He's just portraying blacks as ignorant idiots. Pure and simple. Howard Stern does the same thing. But nobody calls him on it because he has a token black person on the show (like Joe Frank) and gets an occasional drunken redneck or Klansman to balance things out. It doesn't make it right though. It's your show, and I don't believe in telling people what not to say or play on their shows. I'm just saying that I don't think the black-bashing is funny.