
Monday, January 10, 2005

Hey Che!

Hey Che!

It's great to hear from my loyal fans. Actually that should be singular: Fan.

Regarding Riz, oy, that was a bad scene. If you keep listening to the shows you will see a real break-down in our relationship. In one show we were really at each other's throats.

It is likely that I will have surgery to correct a chronic problem with my voice, and that this surgery may conflict with the air dates of Season 2.

I would really like to get Season 2 in before the surgery. For this reason, I am going to try to expedite the renovation of the website. I will try to do this in early February, and get the show rolling again sometime in February. I want to knock out at least 8 shows before the surgery. I'll probably know in another 12 weeks when the surgery will be scheduled.

I don't know how long the surgery will put me out of commission, yet there is a chance that I will not sound the same. I might really sound like shit. I might, God-forbid have a high, girly voice like Riz and be too ashamed to do a radio show. And who knows, the surgeon might fuck up and I won't be able to speak at all. So it's better to get the second season over with as soon as possible.

The doctor said it will leave a scar. And I thought it was funny because I was just watching a lousy Clint Eastwood movie where Clint had a scar from an unsuccessful hanging attempt. And I thought, hummm, it might be kind of cool to have a scar on my neck. I could be really cool and ruggedly handsome like Clint Eastwood.

I am trying to persuade my hairstyling woman, who works for SuperCuts to let me interview her for a show called "Supercuts: The untold story." It will be the show that exposes all the dirt that goes on at Supercuts. It promises to be a shocker. At least a mild shocker. I will even reveal, for the first time, my immense lust for this woman. I tip this Supercuts girl "very" well. Not because I want to fuck her, but because she gives good haircuts. I still think she fucking owes it to me to do one lousy show with me, to anonymously expose what goes on at Supercuts. I will be very, very upset if she refuses to do it.

I think you can learn a lot more about the human condition from interviewing the "common" man/woman than a famous person. I have asked a number of common people to let me interview them, and so far, everyone has been a chickenshit asshole. But I'm really, really counting on that Supercuts girl to cut me a little slack.

BTW, I'm including this letter to you in my blog. Why let good fodder go to waste? I am changing your name to Che to protect your anonymity. I just love that name Che.


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