
Monday, September 13, 2004

Live from Mount Sinai breaks new ground

Dear Talk Warriors,

Moshe is leading the way to revolution. Some people say it's a revolution in radio. Some people say it's a revolution in thinking. Some people say it's a revolution in how pathological a person can become without being committed. Whatever the case, one cannot deny, whether you like the show or not, that there are things being done on the show that have never been done before.

Here are just some of the topics discussed on last night's show:

  • George Bush: Cheerleader and pom-pom boy

  • Gay Swift Boat Veterans for Truth

  • Moshe's nose herpes scare

In addition, the first PSA was aired: Moshe issued an apology to the people of Iraq. Also (for live listeners only), Moshe called the Freeway Blogger to ask why he stood him up the last show without explanation. Moshe only reached the Freeway Blogger's answering machine. The Freeway Blogger has yet to give an explanation as to what happened. Also, World War III nearly erupted after Moshe told Riz to "Suck me," after Riz said to him, "Unless your head explodes, it [this topic] is not interesting radio.

Moshe will try to patch things up with Riz before the next show, yet the show will go on, no matter what. The next live broadcast date is Sunday, September 19, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. (Pacific Time).

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