
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Hot and bald

All the armchair shrinks are out there saying that a bald Britney is crying for help. But do these whiny mofos ever stop to look at Britney without her hair? Britney is one hot baldy! Look how cute she looks. She's like a cute fuckin' explosion. She looks much better without her hair because being bald makes her big cute baby eyes even more pronounced.

You anti-bald Britney Spears bashers are just plain blind or completely lacking in the knowledge of female beauty. Fuck all of you anti-Britneys!

I say Britney Spears isn't making a cry for help. I say she's making a fuckin' fashion statement!

1 comment:

hitmewithit said...

God knows how I landed on this page but, when I stopped to read the comment about Britney Spears I have to agree. All that bollocks about 'cry for help' and 'on the edge' etc etc bla bla bla...all I said when I opened the newspaper and saw it was 'She suits that hair'.
The media will always go for the sensationalist crap...doesn't matter how true it is!