
Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Bastard Brood of Che: #8: Sir Paul McJerkney

TITLE: Bastard Brood of Che: #8: Sir Paul McJerkney


Sir Paul McCartney is exposed as the bellicose, imperialism promoting pig that he is. Special appearances from Moshe's favorite fascist -- Jay Severin, Moshe's mother, Dickie Richards, Shawn Lennon, and Dave "Payola" Riley of The Blather. Fun for the entire family. Bring the kids!

Direct Download URL:

Podcast URL:

Broadcast Quality

Size: 27 MB

Running Time: 29.30


Jay Severin - "Jay Severin Has Issues"
Moshe "Moses" Moscovitz
Moshe's Mother
Benito Mussolini
Dickie Richards - "Canadian Goose"
Shawn Lennon
Mohammed Ali
Dave Riley - "The Blather #14"
Dickie Richards - "Mike's Monkey Ranch"
Ann Polette Pot - "Slander Is Us"
Bayer Pharmaceuticals Corporation


"Here, There And Everywhere" by Lennon/McCartney

"All the Flowers" by Dan Wilson (Hellebore Shew)

"You're Mined" by Wall Street Traitors

"Stayin' Alive" by BeeGees

"Youria Youria" by Wall Street Traitors


Dave Riley

To for providing the Communist Manifesto:



Copyright (C) 2006

Usage governed under the following Creative Commons Deed:

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Anonymous said...

Where's Moshe? Taking the summer off? Great show, hope you keep it going.

Ran into you via Radio4All. Been a fan of Unwelcome Guests for some years now . Zapping the Empire and others have been picking up on your work. Ran into David Rovics through them also, you should check him out on Soundclick.

Anyway, thanks for the show. I get a big kick out of it and have been turning my friends onto it as well.


Dickie said...

Jim, Bastard Brood of Che has been discontinued. There was a very small fan base, if any. Whatever fan base there was was ungrateful and disloyal. Not one person gave the show an Itunes rating, even when people were explicitly asked to do so on several shows. A lot of quality work was done on BBC that went unrecognized by most. People weren't ready for the show, and I got tired of pissing my time away producing shows that nobody listened to, or at a minimum, really gave a shit about. Thank you for your kind words though. I appreciate that.

Anonymous said...

Bring back LFMS!

Dickie said...

It's all about respect. Respect is not just a Dom Corleone thing. Respect is Moshe's so-called fans giving him an Itunes review when he asked for this on his show. This never happened. I don't think this was too much to ask. I think if it's anyone's fault that Moshe quit the show, it's his disloyal listeners. Moshe's not coming back. Why should he? The show was a fucking drag, and he got no respect. Moshe has much more productive things to do, such as watching TV and masturbating.

Anonymous said...

Hey Moshe, I left a review on iTunes. Did you know they make you give them a credit card number before you can leave a review! Anyways thanks for the laughs and remember Rumsfeld is gone now. Rumsfeld is gone!

Dickie said...

Thanks Colin,

Moshe sincerely appreciates your respect, General, but he really wished you hadn't engaged in that very bad piece of theatre at the UN. Also, didn't you have something to do with the My Lai Massacre?

General, people really aren't interested in what Moshe has to say. A lot of it is just such pure dribble, that he really doesn't blame them that much. Moshe really doesn't have the energy for the show. BBC took 2, sometimes 3 days to edit. If there where more people like you when Moshe was doing the show, it would probably still be going. But there wasn't, and it's just too depressing and energy sucking to do the show.

The best thing anyone could ever hope for is that a few more Dickie Richards are made and perhaps a 2007 BBC May Day Special. If you want, you could e-mail me by going to "Contact" in the menu and I'll e-mail you if Moshe is up to the May Day Special, though I wouldn't count on it. Thanks a lot for the Itunes review. I really didn't know that those greedy Apple bastards wanted a credit card number just to place a review, but I'm glad you put a review there. It was total bullshit that nobody gave Moshe a stinking review.

Dickie said...

Okay, it's "almost" a done deal. Shawn Lennon and I will probably be doing a joint May Day 2007 Special. The show will probably be renamed to "Bastard Brood of Ho" as Uncle Ho was a vastly superior Commie than Che.