
Monday, August 23, 2004

The results of the first show

Two listeners have already added to their presets, so as badly as things went last night, they were not a complete disaster. Yes, there was a melt-down. Poor Moshe was going nuts and Ruth did a vanishing act like George Bush did on the day of 9/11. There was a pretty severe technical difficulty: Ruth's mic wasn't set high enough and she could barely be heard, but I really feel like Moshe found his stride about halfway through the show. It was only a partial melt-down. If the show were a nuclear reactor, we would not have breached the core. Our fearless host, Moshe, saved the day.

Moshe told me after the show, "Yeah, things went a little sour. But I'm going back in there. And I'm fightin' some pug bastard. I'm even thinking about doing an unscheduled show, midweek. Who knows?"


Anonymous said...

Regarding the "DISSAPPEARING ACT" comment. It is standard policy that the President, regardless of party, is to be taken to a safe area in the event of a national emergency such as acts of terrorism or war. You protect The king and queen in chess but I guess it makes no sense in the REAL WORLD to take the most powerful leader in the free world out of harms way along with the Vice President.

Dickie said...

This show is over 3 years old. It's really not worth talking about stuff that is this old. I really need to remove it. I don't remember the show. All I can tell you is that upon hearing about 9/11, our fearless leader read a children's book, gave a quickie press conference, where he looked like an incompetent fucking retard, then ran off like a goddamn chickenshit to his bunker. He vanished for at least 2 days. If Bush wanted to be a chickenshit, that is fine -- I'm a coward too, but he should have at least been in constant communication with the press to allay the fears of the American people. Bush The 9/11 President is the biggest myth in American history. How quickly people forgot that in a time of crisis, he didn't act as a leader at all.