There is something about your style and manner of speech that I like.Your language doesn't bother me but you might be taken more seriously if you stopped using profanity and interviewed some guests (maybe).Is Moshe Moscovitz your real name ?Do listeners ever call in ?At present, I don't know what a podcast is.Anyway, kick-ass show - keep up the good work !
Hi, you raised a very good issue about guests. I am going to bring this subject up on the show, as it is a source of continual frustration and anger for me.
I have been trying to arrange an interview from the very beginning of the show. Any shithead could arrange an interview with some kind of celebrity, expert, activist, or writer. I have no real desire to do this. Everyone is doing this, and people who are "somebodys," tend to be boring as hell. The lives of regular people are much more interesting than extraordinary people. Regular people who I know, whine and complain about corruption, unfairness, oppression, general evil shit. People I don't know even solicit me and tell me of their pathos brought on by an evil corrupt system. I always tell people, okay, I hear your pain, but telling me isn't going to fix anything. Let's expose your story to the masses. Let's get you on the show, so you can tell the whole world.
But you see, Mohammed. Everybody lives in FEAR. This may be difficult to believe or understand, but nobody wants to go on the record. Hopefully this will change. I keep trying, and people keep acting like chickenshit assholes. Note that I did in fact ask the people to come on the show to defend their Commie God. I do try. But everyone's either scared or trying to bury their head in the sand in an attempt to avoid reality.
Regarding the profanity issue, I think profanity is sort of like violence in film. It's okay so long as it's not gratuitous.
Is Moshe Moscovitz my real name? If you keep listening to the show, you'll probably find out soon.
Do listeners ever call in? Once, but not while the show was broadcasting live. I continue to do the show live, and only edit out breaks. However, I no longer broadcast live. My new strategy is to get callers to leave messages so that I can play them on the show.
Go to for info about podcasting. What's useful about Podcasting is that it allows you to subscribe to my show, so that whenever I put a new show out, it will automatically fetch it for you. There is lots of other cool podcasts you can subscribe to as well. Here is my podcast subscription URL.
Once you download the podcasting software, all you got to do is add the URL to subscribe. I hear you can also do this with an iPod, although I don't know how, as I don't own one.
Thanks again for the donation. I am wondering how you heard about the show?