
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Weapons Grade Odor

I found this last year on a hater blog called URBAN INFIDEL. The blog post title really made me laugh: “Occupy Wall Street Revisited - Zucotti Square: Bio-Hazard Colony Emits Weapons Grade Odor.”

The blog post details how disgusting and dirty and horrible the Occupy protesters are:

“Wandering carefully through the thick of things, which I can only liken to a jungle of pure filth, there was the definite sense that one could contract a number of contagious and very unpleasant sicknesses.”

I was willing to risk the disease and death, as I was interested in having sex with beer chugging peroxide blonds who walked around in their bras and made left leaning signs…

…as well as chicken legged hippies whose clothing style vaguely reminded me of Cyndi Lauper and Madonna:

smelly+002.jpg (480×640)

So I hopped on a BoltBus from Boston and went down to Zucotti Square in order to witness these unkempt middle class revolutionaries and, hopefully, get laid.

At Zucotti Square I managed to find some protesters who were willing to have group sex with me in a local hotel.

They did seem a little diseased, but I wore a condom. The sex wasn’t too great. They kept trying to bite me, and I’m just not into the whole S&M thing.

Zombie photo above taken from this blog post.

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