I bet you that my finger marks are still etched into the padding of the Urologist's examining table. I had been gripping it for dear life as he checked my prostate. I thought to myself, perhaps this is what torture feels like. If I did not grit my teeth, my growling would probably have been screaming. And it was interminable. How long could it take to check someone's prostate? Jesus. I think he was at it for at least a minute. And after all that prodding and poking and effort, he finds nothing! How can that hurt so much and there not be something wrong? My GP told me it was enlarged. This is my new GP. She was much smarter than my old GP. She seemed so on the ball! But why does she send me to this hack Urologist? I told the Urologist my symptoms. He literally said he was stumped. He said he wanted to see the report of the CT Scan, but I knew he wasn't going to find anything on it. Two General Surgeons had looked at it and found nothing.
I came home depressed, demoralized, and really worn out from the exam. Called my old man. Bitched and moaned. He suggested I research the problem on the Internet. I put up a huge amount of resistance, but reluctantly agreed. Within a half an hour of research I could describe what I had in doctor language: Post-Ejaculatory Perineal Pain. And I am not the only person in the universe who has this either. Other Urologists know about this. This Urologist should not have been stumped. There is a good chance I have something called (CP/CPPS) Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome. I didn't look too deeply into this, but it seems to be one of those fuzzy things like IBS (that I also have), that doctors really don't understand and don't really know how to treat, but is thought to be nervous system related and associated with stress. I thought about calling some local hospitals and asking if they had any doctors familiar with CP/CPPS, but I know from experience that that's like being on the Price is Right. All you get is "Come on Down!" I looked for Boston area doctors that have done research on CP/CPPS and found a guy at Brigham and Women's. The great thing about this hospital is that they list the doctor's e-mail address right on their web page. So I e-mailed the guy and told him my problem and he wrote back telling me to make an appointment. So I will. This will be the third Urologist I've seen about this. At least now I could actually identify the anatomical part that is causing me pain. So instead of saying "Duhh, the area below the scrotum," I could say "perineal membrane" and "ischiocavernosus muscle" like I'm some kinda smartass.
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