
Thursday, December 23, 2004

A Barney even worse than the purple one

While our lads are being chopped up into messy corpses in Iraq, a central feature of has been Barney the white house dog. You might have seen Barney before, being carried off Air Force One by Bush like an infant.

At least three films have been made about Barney so far. Here's one of them. It's really, really bad.

Here's the Barney section of website

I'd like to know who is paying for this.

Bye sheep, bye live

A number of people on this board have been bitching and moaning about the military recruitment ads that Live365 displays on this website like some kinda propagating bacterial outgrowth.

These bitchy moany sissies have protested these ads by terminating or curtailing their broadcasting.

I, on the other hand have decided to act like a MAN, and put my buttocks on the line and refuse to pay Live365's rent if they don't snuff the fascist ads by the end of the year.

For all you bitching and moaning sissies out there who hate the evil occupation in Iraq, but don't want to give up your pathetic little radio stations -- all I can say is that you are the trail of slime left by slugs emerging from a festering sewer hole. You want your cake and you want to eat it too.

You make me sick, sissies. You are worse than Live365! You're even worse than the fascist US Government. At least the fascists have gonads. At least they're willing to fight for a cause, even if that cause is evil. You are nothing but useless cowardly sheep.

Because you sissies refused to join me in a revolt that has teeth in it, Live365 will probably not capitulate to my demands. Accordingly, I will cancel my station,, on Live365 by the end of this year.

For those of you who are interested, my show, "Live from Mt. Sinai," will continue to broadcast each week, and you can catch it at:


--Moshe Gai

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Show summary: 12-19-04

Dickie's Show Rating: 7

Moshe talks about Judith Curren, Dr. Jack Kevorkian's 35th assisted suicide victim. Moshe had known poor Judy from the time he spent with her in a mental hospital. Moshe talks about his memory of Judy and attempts to poke a hole in the myth that Kevorkian's cause was righteous. Judy was a depressed woman who was not terminally ill. Like most of Kevorkian's victims, Judy was a woman, and was especially easy prey for Kevorkian, anxious to claim new bodies for his moral crusade.

Moshe also talks about what appears to be the racist refusal to honor W.E.B. DuBois' memory by naming a school after him in Massachusetts.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

My dubious attempts to get others not to act like chickenshits


Let me first say that it is much easier for me to pass judgment on your plans to oppose Live365's passive support of the illegal and immoral occupation of Iraq. This is because my station hardly gets any listeners, nor is it really acquiring new listeners. Dropping Live365 would probably hurt you a lot more than it is going to hurt me.

Having said that, I really must be candid with you and let you know that your threat of terminating broadcasting has no teeth in it. If a threat is to be made, it must be something that actually can hurt Live365. If you terminate broadcasting, you are still paying Live365 their rent. And if they happen to lose subscribers they will not make the connection that it is a result of your termination of broadcasting, as it could be a number of variables.

You have power over Live365. You pay their rent. And that is the only power you have to exercise. Stopping broadcasting is not going to sway Live365. The only thing that will sway Live365 is the threat of monetary loss. This threat must be made, and it cannot be bluff.

Regardless of what anyone else does, I am going to keep my word to Live365. I'm going to cancel by the end of the year if they don't stop with the military ads. I am disappointed that you are not joining me in my protest, for my protest really only has teeth if other people are willing to also put their asses on the line.

It is your choice, Lee. You have more to lose than I do, but you cannot have your cake and eat it too. Either you're willing to risk losing your station or you're willing to support the war effort. There's really no middle ground. No good can come out of a bargain with the devil.

Morally speaking, I cannot live with myself and pay the bloodsuckers at Live365 to recruit poor, ignorant soldiers to kill Iraqis and take their freedom away. But again, it is easier for me to preach to you because you have more to lose than I do.

Now is the time to act! I have sent my notice to Live365. If they see other people doing the same, it may persuade them. It really is not a big deal for Live365 to abort the US Army Recruitment advertising campaign. They probably get the ad from an advertising Bureau, and can easily select another advertiser.

You have created, Lee, a real opportunity to do something to oppose the evil occupation of Iraq. We can actually do something -- even if that something is infinitesimally small in the grand scheme of things. We have power to create positive change, but we cannot exercise this power without risk. If we keep going down the road of passively putting up with all the evil shit that Corporations and my Government imposes upon people, it's only going to get worse. Please join me, Lee, and refuse to support this evil occupation.


Thursday, December 16, 2004

Ultimatum to

I am a Premium Broadcaster with My station's name is

Recently it has come to my attention that Live365 displays ads sponsored by the United Army on its website. I find this particularly disturbing because the United States Armed Forces are now engaged in an illegal occupation of Iraq. I feel that so long as the American occupation of Iraq continues, any attempt to support the recruitment efforts of the United States Armed Forces is inappropriate and unacceptable.

I can no longer continue to pay Live365 to broadcast my station unless Live365 withdraws all advertising sponsored by the United States Army and any other branch of the United States Armed Forces from its website.

Unless Live365 aborts carrying military advertising by the end of the year, or provides me with a time frame when this would be possible, I regretfully must cancel my account with Live365.

I hope that I can continue to do business with Live365 and wish you happy holidays.


Moshe Moscovitz

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Yet another Live365 forum rant

I have pop-up blocking so I was unaware of these recruitment ads.

My station is in the U.S., and I take pretty strong offense to Live365's contribution to MY neo-fascist government's evil and illegal conquest and occupation of Iraq.

It is bad enough that I have to pay $20.00 a month to bombard my listeners with obnoxious ads. It's even worse that I'm paying to support the killing and maiming of innocent babies in Iraq so that my sissy Cheerleader President can overcome his sexual identity crisis.

Sissy in Chief

I'm seriously thinking of dropping my account with Live365 as well because of these recruitment ads.

And another thing. What is this dung? I can't use a profanity without it coming out as "moomoo." Live365's got a bad, bad attitude. Live365 is run by true students of Stalin.

Ann Coulter modeling for the bondage magazine, "Whips, Leather, and Kink"

FCC Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein denounces breasts

FCC Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein (center) is shown with renown gay pirate — Gay Pirate Bob (left), and the winner of the Emma Peel look-alike contest, Birdette Brain (right).

Adelstein told reporters:

"What we need on television these days is less breasts and more gay pirates."

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Show summary: 12-12-04

Dickie's Show Rating: 7

Moshe had on special guest Shawn, and they talked about radio, the evil right-wing, corporate controlled media, the God praising bastard at Shaws, and the Jackie Chan rip-off.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Show summary: 12-05-04

Dickie's Show Rating: 4

Moshe talked about the fascist fucks at The Project for the New American Century.

Monday, November 29, 2004

I'm not a sex offender!

Just because I look like I should be listed in the National Sex Offender Registry, it doesn't make me a sex offender. I happen to have a good, well-paying job at the FCC, stripping people of their 1st Amendment Rights. In fact, I'm FCC Commissioner Michael J. Copps. So don't even fuck with me, unless you happen to be into watching Sesame Street, and are really, really young, and really, really cute, and have an affinity for pig tails.

Bio Hazard Guy

That's an aerosol can spraying shit into the air with nobody around. I'm vomiting and bleeding profusely from all my orifices ... humm ... I better stand around and think about this for a little while longer.

Perhaps I'm being infected by WMD. I betcha it was planted there by Osama and Saddam. Most people would probably run for their lives, but I'm just gonna walk away.

I better put this on to protect me from the terrorists and all their evil WMD. If only I had a girlfriend ... she could play nursey.

Images courtesy of Thanks for keeping us alert to the terrorist threat, and spending our tax dollars so wisely.

Show summary: 11-28-04

Dickie's Show Rating: 8

Moshe had on Dr. Leakey (a.k.a. his sister)

Topics discussed:

  • Moshe's horror at finding a hair in his mom's turkey during Thanksgiving

  • Moshe's mom's anti-Moslem hate e-mail

  • Republican's attempt to fuck the American worker by saturating the job market with foreign labor

  • The tragedy of Paul Wellstone's death, and the death of liberalism

Show News:

Moshe is now uploading his shows to in hopes to get some syndicators. Big thanks to for the tip!

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Evil, troll-like beast spotted in Washington D.C.

Moshe Moscovitz, who spotted and photographed this troll-like beast, told reporters:

"I don't know if this thing is an actual troll, or from outta-space. What I do know is that whatever this God-forsaken thing is, it's evil. Real evil."

Show summary: 11-21-04

Dickie's Show Rating: 7

This was certainly one of the strangest shows Moshe's ever done. Moshe actually read from the bible. I cannot believe I'm actually writing this too. Moshe says that he plans to make bible reading a staple on the show. Moshe was uncharacteristically smooth, despite the fact that he stumbled through the "Election Hack" topic.

Topics Discussed:

  • Moshe berates JesusLand for supporting the occupation of Iraq. Talks about malnutrition of Iraqi children

  • Moshe's chickenshit news fodder suppler

  • Moshe reads from the Bible. Exodus 7:14 - 7:17

  • Moshe discloses listener stats. Results are startling: The vast majority of his listeners come from JesusLand

  • Moshe debunks the "Election Hack," but seriously questions the legitimacy of the 2004 elections.


Nope, we didn't find any WMD yet, but I assure you, soldier, it's out there somewhere, and we're gonna find it. In the mean time, let me pin this metal on you, and give you an autographed copy of my book. I've never been in the military before, but I'm sure it's a real bitch getting your arm blown off -- especially your right arm. I don't know what I'd do if I wasn't able to jerk off to pictures of dead Iraqi babies.

President Bush Nominates Margaret Spellings as Secretary of Education

Bush said privately after appointing Margaret Spellings, "I'd definitely fuck her. I betcha she could suck my Texas long horn dry. And with a name like Spellings, there's no doubt she could spell up a storm. This woman's made for education. And fucking."

Powell admiring Vladmir Putin's tight buttock

"This guy has the tightest ass East of Kiev," said Secretary of State Colin Powell as he pointed to President Vladimir Putin's ass.

I protect America against the evils of breasts!

Hi, my name is Michael K. Powell, and I'm not just a nerdy, fat asshole. I'm Chairman of the FCC. My last name is probably familiar to you. My daddy happens to be Colin Powell, former Secretary of State. But I assure you, it's not nepotism. I work hard to piss on the first amendment. And I'm succeeding! When that Janet Jackson woman showed her horrifying breast on national TV, I nearly went into convulsions, because the site of a naked woman horrifies me! (Although I wouldn't pass up a nice sleek penis -- between you and me).

If you don't mind, I have to take a shit and wipe my ass with the constitution. But first, perhaps I'll have some more of this delicious cheesecake...

Saturday, November 20, 2004

American Storm Trooper dedicates his baby killing to Michael Weiner (a.k.a. Michael Savage)

Show summary: 11-14-04

Dickie's Show Rating: 7

Topics Discussed:

  • Dr. Neil Clark (Above): Creepy old guy from

  • Michael Weiner (a.k.a. Michael Savage): The truth behind the lie

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Show summary: 11-07-04

Dickie's Show Rating: 5

Contrary to my rating, this turned out to be the most popular show ever, by a longshot. Moshe was audibly depressed by the Republican victory. He had no real agenda for the show, and basically stumbled through a three prong attack against:

  1. The motherfucker assholes who voted for Bush

  2. The left-wing conspiracy to ignore Moshe and condemn its fate to the serpentine fangs of the Republicans

  3. Moshe's listener's who do not support Moshe

Moshe threatened to pull the plug on the show by the end of the year if not one of his asshole listeners donated a dollar, gave a link to his show, or called in. One listener answered the call and saved the show.

The disappearing show wrap up

Customarily, a summery of each show was done after each show. It was done more out of archival purposes than for the benefit of the tit-mouse size population of people that read this website. No wrap-up was done on the show after the election, since it was felt that the plug was going to be pulled on the show, so what was the point...

I have decided to resume summarizing each show. Again, it is more for archival purposes than for your benefit. I'm also going to rate each show. This is for our benefit, in case we want to submit demos of our better broadcasts to potential stations that may be interested in syndicating the show. As dubious as syndication sounds, we're going to try...

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Live from Mt. Sinai gets reprieve

The symbolic donation of $1.00 from the only non-asshole fan of the show, bought the show another year of programming. Moshe and I were serious about killing the show by the end of the year if you assholes didn't show your support.

An even better way of showing your support is to put a link on your website to

Moshe and I are thinking about plugging the show next year to a bunch of radio stations. We'd most like to get syndicated by, but we realize that this is quite dubious, being that the left is so bent against Moshe's new ideas.

I plan on redesigning the site to make it look more professional before we attempt to go after a syndication deal. I might possibly even be able to get an advertising contract with a local software company.

Whatever happens, Moshe plans to continue the show up until at least the end of 2005.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Bush, two-termer and convicted criminal

At age 30, Bush was busy endangering the lives of children with his car. Now he bombs them to bits with remote guided missiles. God Bless You Amerika!

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Listen up fuckers

I'm getting tired of running this blog without support from you assholes, and Moshe is equally tired of doing his show without your support.

Moshe threatened that if none of the following conditions is met by the end of the year, he will pull the plug on the show, and he means it!

  • We need at least 1 person to donate 1 dollar. You can do this by clicking the "Make a Donation" button above

  • Buy one work from Ed Guevara

  • We need at least 1 person to post a link to our site from their site

  • We need at least one live caller. The live show is done on Sunday at 12:00 noon (Pacific Time). The phone number is #415-738-0689

I don't see the point in doing show wrap-ups anymore until you cocksuckers are willing to show a little support.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The dawn of darkness

A group of young Satanists celebrating the anointing of the Dark Prince. Later on they hunted down a homeless man and ate him for dinner.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Show wrap-up

This was a special Bush-Basharama show. Moshe encouraged the faithful to get out the vote.

Topics discussed:

  • You don't have to recognize a government official if he's not democratically elected

  • Kerry's chosen path of evil, and why you should vote for him anyway, if you aren't bound by a contractual obligation not to

  • The failure of the Democratic party, and why voting for Nader does nothing to reverse its rightward trend

  • The flagrant abuse and exploitation of Government websites for propaganda by the neo-fascist Republicans, and to a lesser extent, the Democrats as well. Moshe threatened to file a Freedom of Information Act to obtain information regarding who his paying for these Government propaganda sites, and to nail anyone to the cross (not literally) who is using taxpayer money to fund these propaganda machines

  • Moshe challenges Red Sox pitcher and Republican bastard, Kurt Schilling to a wrestling match

  • Bush's killing of a Dove

  • Moshe reads quote of Arnold Schwarzeneggar's description of gangbanging a woman in Gold's Gym

Remember folks. Get your ass out there and vote. Vote early, and raise hell if the motherfuckers try to take your vote away.

We can't afford to let the forces of evil control our lives.

Hold your nose and vote the ticket!

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Thanks Red Sox and thanks Boston Police for not killing any more girls

Moshe and I would like to extend a big thank you to our beloved Boston Red Sox for bringing home the world championship. We still cannot believe the Red Sox won. It seems to defy the known laws of the universe. Losers cannot win. It defies the natural order. If the Red Sox win, shit, the next thing that could happen is that Moshe actually gets a caller. Sky's the limit.

Also, Moshe and I would like to thank the Boston Police for not shooting any additional people in the head and killing them during the victory celebration.

Thanks, Boston PD. You fuckers!

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Some fuck-ups with the last show

Okay folks,

I just want to clear up a few things. Moshe is not on drugs. He was really tired after coming home late after watching Game 1 of the World Series at his mother's house, and for some screwy reason he wrote in the intro that it was "Saturday" the "23rd", when in fact it was "Sunday" the 24". The show did in fact air live on Sunday the 24th.

Also, you may have noticed that we have been experiences a technical problem. There is occasional crackling sounds. It is probably a problem with the mic. We are actively looking on ebay for a replacement mic. For the meantime we will use the backup mic, which is pretty fucking uncomfortable, but will do.

Also, what is wrong with you assholes. Last show was one of the best shows Moshe's ever done, and there has yet to be one preset. Are you people retarded?

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Show wrap-up

Dear loyal TalkWarriors,

What a great show. The following topics were discussed:

  • Attempted pie toss on Ann Coulter

  • Shrunken Monkey Heads

  • E-mail from a Republican

  • The Motorcycle Diaries

  • Various baseball related topics, including the Boston Police killing a 21 year old girl after a game

  • Kay Khan. Corrupt politician and faker.

Monday, October 18, 2004

Moshe awes the masses

Moshe awed the masses with his performance on yesterday's show. Listening to Moshe bash and trash, was like listening to fine poetry. What a man, Moshe. God must love him.

Topics discussed on the show:

  • Paris Hilton's racist comment, and why Paris not only sucks, but is ugly.

  • Herpes cream advertisement.

  • Crazy woman that e-mails us Kerry propaganda.

  • Moshe rescinds apology to the people of Iraq. States that it is up to Bush and Kerry to do that.

  • John Kerry and George Bush are cousins.

  • Bush: Pom-pom waiving cheerleader.

  • Bush: Drunk driver with criminal record.

  • Bush: Coke snorting compassionate conservative.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Dickie pulled over by the Thought Police


Greetings et al.,

I have removed some posts and/or sections of some very snarky/disrespectful posts. Frustration can sometimes cause us to press the "Submit" button, but please keep in mind that humans are working hard to correct this issue and they have your concerns in mind to expedite this repair as quickly as possible. Hurling insults or snarky comments won't speed the process.



"Snarky?" You really must look that word up in the dictionary, THOUGHT COP.

"Insults?" I challenge anyone to look at my post and tell me where the insults were.

Since it looks like THOUGHT COP has DELETED the post and removed the evidence, I believe I have already won this challenge by default.

I pay $20.00 a month for your service, and statistics has been out for a week. Give me a break. Let's face it, Soviet-era satellite states were run better than Live365. This is a Mickey Mouse operation and I deserve more for $20.00 a month. The last thing I deserve is for THOUGHT COP to delete my posts. What kind of fascist outfit are you running here? Is Joseph Stalin your model for operating a business?

And listen, THOUGHT POLICE. You can delete my post, but you can't escape the fact that you:

1.) Did not reply to my e-mail and failed to give proper customer service.
2.) Failed to deliver your advertised feature, which states: "Advanced Stats, Geo Statistics, Track Power Ratings."

I'm finished. You can delete my post now, THOUGHT COP. I won't spread the seeds of counterrevolution anymore (at least not in this venue.) But I don't appreciate you ignoring my e-mail and deleting my post, which was not profane or belligerent, though very critical. There is a difference between criticism and attack. I believe you know that difference, and that the deletion of my post was plain old, unwarranted censorship. Again, why did you need to delete the post? What are you afraid of, THOUGHT COP? Could it be the truth?

I will seriously rethink who I'm paying my money to for streaming audio from this point on. Deleting that post was the beginning of the end of my customer loyalty to you.

If anyone reads this post before it gets axed by the THOUGHT POLICE, they can see the original post on my blog here:

One more thing, THOUGHT COP. Not that I think it matters, but I will file a complaint with Live365 because you deleted that message. There was no reason for that!


Dickie Richards

Tuesday, October 12, 2004 Love you so much I want to puke!


I'm glad you didn't bother to reply to my e-mail a week ago asking what happened to my listener statistics. That 8 point font you used on the stats page to guide me here really did the trick, once I got a new prescription for my glasses. So thanks! You guys are incredible!

Also, I was thinking, since you ain't giving us stats, and stats is one of your advertised features, maybe you could reduce the amount of pop-up ads on my station from about 5 million to about an even mil?

Or perhaps you could stop chopping off the beginning of my broadcasts that I'm paying for, so that you could plug your station and live off the fat of your advertisers.

It's just a suggestion. That's all. But you're doing a fantastic job, and you're really, really creating friendly-as-hell environment for your paying customers. So thanks!

Oh, and one other thing: Perhaps instead of burying my station in your directory, so that you have to click about 18 pages worth of listings to find my station, you can base my directory listing position on my genre rank. That way, you could make even more money off me from advertising, and I could benefit, because I could attract even more listeners.

Just some friendly suggestions while you programming geniuses are out there feverishly working on giving me back my listener stats. I know you've been working on this problem for a week, so it must be a real toughy. If you need any help, I once took a correspondence course in relational databases. It was a very well respected correspondence school, and I passed with flying colors. Perhaps your programmers didn't graduate from a correspondence school that was nearly as respected as mine, and that's why they're taking so long. Perhaps I can send you a coupon for some cake and ice-cream, in order to ease your burden. Nothing like a little cake and ice-cream party to raise your spirits. Or perhaps I can buy a CD for you to listen and dance to while you work. How about some Eminem? Or if you prefer something more traditional, perhaps a nice AC/DC. You just let me know, and I'm here to help you!


Dickie Richards

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Moshe scores a KO against evil

Moshe's show today was simply breathtaking. If his words were a sword, evil would have been cut to fucking ribbons.

Some of the topics discussed:

  • Antonin Scalia, conservative Supreme Court justice and sex perv

  • The mysterious disappearance of George Bush's cheerleading photo from Andover Academy

  • Moshe's battle against an evil pharmaceutical empire

  • Kerry's words: "I will hunt down and kill the terrorists," and why talk like this is dangerous

  • George Bush and his new hump

  • Book: "Becoming President for Retards"

  • American Army using Iraqi children as human shields

  • "Stand up for Democracy, stand up for Israel." Such shit

  • "Ray" the movie, and the exploitation

  • Moshe vows to fight against liberals who ignore and marginalize him

It's not too late! If you missed the live show, you can still listen to a recording of the show all week, by clicking the link below:

Thursday, October 07, 2004

R.I.P. Rodney Dangerfield

Moshe mourns the loss of Rodney Dangerfield, one of the greatest comedians of his lifetime.

The world no longer feels as funny, sane, or even as safe with passing of poor Rodney.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Triumph of the Will, American Style

Sieg Hile! becomes de facto John Trubee HQ

On Sunday night's show, the music of the great John Trubee was added for the first time. These were some of the topics of the show:

  • Changing the Republican symbol from elephant to snake

  • Changing the Democratic symbol from donkey to chicken

  • Donkey rides in the UK, and the absence of donkey rides in the US

  • George W. Bush: Sociopath

  • George W. Bush: Sexually confused cheerleader

  • The divorce of Moshe & Riz

  • "Well, actually he forgot Poland." Not!

  • Walmart's embracement of diversity. Such shit

  • Dunkin' Donuts really sucks

George Bush, "War President" and pom-pom boy

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Airing time change cancelled

Sorry for the confusion. But there has been another scheduling change:

The show will air at its normal time at 7:00 p.m. (Pacific Time).

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Airing time changed

The show will an hour later than normal this Sunday. The show air live at 8:00 p.m. (Pacific Time).

Monday, September 27, 2004

Moshe decides not to bare his soul and bash Bush instead

Part II of the Moshe bares his soul episode was cancelled in last night's show in favor of some Bush bashing.

The highlight of the Bush bash was when Moshe talked about Sue Niederer. Her son was a soldier in a Iraq and was killed defusing a bomb. She claims her son was improperly trained.

Sue was arrested for exercising her 1st Amendment Rights to free speech during a Bush rally, and then subsequently harassed and victimized by the Secret Service, one of the many tenticles that our neo-fascist Government.

Moshe hopes to do Part II of his baring his soul show next week.

Moshe said after the show:

It's import for our radical right-wing Government to bully citizens and keep us all in line, like good little fucking sheep. I'm not going to stand for that shit, and it's my job to expose the fuckers for the vermin that they truly are. As Sue Niederer pointed out, immediately prior to being arrested, if the war was so vital, why didn't Bush send his daughters to Iraq?

Monday, September 20, 2004

Moshe Bares His Soul (Part 1)

Dear Talk Warriors,

Arguably the best show ever, last night was Part 1 of a two part series where Moshe bares his soul. Moshe bared his soul by talking about how his former Internet girlfriend, Jane. Jane contacted him recently, after six months of no-contact to tell him he was "needy," amongst other things.

Moshe discusses why he is a loser and how he has come to terms with his loserness, with the help of plastic, inflatable women.

Bill called in for the first time to chew the fat. Hopefully he will become more of a permanent fixture on the show.

Also discussed on the show:

  • Child Abuse

  • George Bush's pom-pom career at Andover Academy

  • Wayne Newton is really a woman

  • The Boston Herald and Rupert Murdock suck

  • The evil occupation of Iraq

  • John Kerry, suck-up Democrat and placating bastard

  • George Bush is a murderer

Don't miss Part 2 of Moshe Bares his Soul, this Sunday at 7:00 p.m. (Pacific Time). If you can't tune in for the live show, you will be able to catch it 24/7, next week.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Live from Mount Sinai breaks new ground

Dear Talk Warriors,

Moshe is leading the way to revolution. Some people say it's a revolution in radio. Some people say it's a revolution in thinking. Some people say it's a revolution in how pathological a person can become without being committed. Whatever the case, one cannot deny, whether you like the show or not, that there are things being done on the show that have never been done before.

Here are just some of the topics discussed on last night's show:

  • George Bush: Cheerleader and pom-pom boy

  • Gay Swift Boat Veterans for Truth

  • Moshe's nose herpes scare

In addition, the first PSA was aired: Moshe issued an apology to the people of Iraq. Also (for live listeners only), Moshe called the Freeway Blogger to ask why he stood him up the last show without explanation. Moshe only reached the Freeway Blogger's answering machine. The Freeway Blogger has yet to give an explanation as to what happened. Also, World War III nearly erupted after Moshe told Riz to "Suck me," after Riz said to him, "Unless your head explodes, it [this topic] is not interesting radio.

Moshe will try to patch things up with Riz before the next show, yet the show will go on, no matter what. The next live broadcast date is Sunday, September 19, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. (Pacific Time).

Monday, September 06, 2004

Blown off by The Freeway Blogger

Dear Talk Warriors,

Last night's show was, at a minimum, a disaster. The Freeway Blogger decided to stand up poor Moshe. In desperation, poor Moshe called Riz, and they did a great show. Then Moshe tested the recording of the show before putting it on the air with Windows Media Player. When he closed sound recorder, the file vanished. No more show! Gone. Vanished. Sucked into the computer black hole. After two failed tries, Moshe finally got off a makeshift solo show.

Moshe told me after the show:

"I was really tired by the time I did the solo show. I got warmed up after the first segment. It wasn't really the disaster you thought it was. We lived. The show will go on. That's the important thing. As for the Freeway Blogger, I'm still going to discuss his blog and his activism, only now I'm not going to be restrained by courtesy if there is something I disagree with. Sometimes it feels as if I can't win. The right has a coordinated conspiracy to set the clock back on the civilization by 500 years, and the left has an impulse to ignore me, not support me, and thwart my efforts at stopping the right from ruining our world. So sometimes I feel, what's the point? But I'm going to keep trying. I do take it personally when people I thought were on my own side screw me, like the Freeway Blogger, but I'm not going to let it stop me."

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Unscheduled Friday night show

Moshe did a solo unscheduled show late Friday night, in order to vent his outrage at the Republican Nation Convention and lust over Genine Garofalo.

Don't forget to tune in for our next live show, tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. (Pacific Time). Moshe will have on The Freeway Blogger.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Special Guest Announcement

Dear Talk Warriors,

A special guest will be joining Moshe this Sunday -- Patrick, from Freeway Blogger.

Don't forget to tune in and call in if you want.

Next live show: Sunday, 09/05/04, 8:00 p.m. (Pacific Time)

Monday, August 30, 2004

Second Show Results

Moshe invited his friend Riz to co-host the show. They covered a number of topics ranging from inane to serious. One of the most serious topics discussed was the refusal of the New York City government to grant permits to people protesting the evils of the Republican Party during their orgy of bullshit known as the Republican National Convention.

Moshe told me after the show:

"Riz is a great guest. In fact, I think he even upstaged me. I would love to have him on again, but that is the last time we talk about plastic surgery or Angelina Jolie. It's just not going to happen. He got too carried away, and I just couldn't budge him from the topic."

Monday, August 23, 2004

The results of the first show

Two listeners have already added to their presets, so as badly as things went last night, they were not a complete disaster. Yes, there was a melt-down. Poor Moshe was going nuts and Ruth did a vanishing act like George Bush did on the day of 9/11. There was a pretty severe technical difficulty: Ruth's mic wasn't set high enough and she could barely be heard, but I really feel like Moshe found his stride about halfway through the show. It was only a partial melt-down. If the show were a nuclear reactor, we would not have breached the core. Our fearless host, Moshe, saved the day.

Moshe told me after the show, "Yeah, things went a little sour. But I'm going back in there. And I'm fightin' some pug bastard. I'm even thinking about doing an unscheduled show, midweek. Who knows?"

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Schedualing Change

Please be advised that the time of the premier Talk Warrior show on 8/21/04 has been changed from 8:00 p.m. (Pacific Time) to 5:00 p.m.(Pacific Time). This is because Moshe's sister Ruth will be in the studio on that day, and she couldn't make it at 8:00 p.m., because she plans to be asleep at that hour, or at least in the process of going to sleep. Keep in mind that the show is broadcast from the East coast, and that 8:00 p.m.(Pacific Time) is 11:00 p.m.(Eastern Time), which is way too late for most normal people on the East Code.

The show will revert to its scheduled time of 8:00 p.m. (Pacific Time), after the premier.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Talk Warrior Premier!

Moshe and I have been planning the Talk Warrior Radio Network for some time now. Barring any unforeseen fuck-ups, Moshe will be doing the premier airing of his Internet Radio show, "Live from Mt. Sinai," Sunday, 22 August, at 8:00 Pacific Time. You can catch the show here. Feel free to call in, as this is a call-in show. If you miss the live show, don't worry, you can catch the rebroadcast 24/7.

I am in a bit of a huge rush right now so don't have time go into details. You should consider this the official blog of TW. Here you will receive information about TW shows, revolution, spiritual enlightenment, as well as other assorted crazy shit.