
Saturday, December 18, 2004

My dubious attempts to get others not to act like chickenshits


Let me first say that it is much easier for me to pass judgment on your plans to oppose Live365's passive support of the illegal and immoral occupation of Iraq. This is because my station hardly gets any listeners, nor is it really acquiring new listeners. Dropping Live365 would probably hurt you a lot more than it is going to hurt me.

Having said that, I really must be candid with you and let you know that your threat of terminating broadcasting has no teeth in it. If a threat is to be made, it must be something that actually can hurt Live365. If you terminate broadcasting, you are still paying Live365 their rent. And if they happen to lose subscribers they will not make the connection that it is a result of your termination of broadcasting, as it could be a number of variables.

You have power over Live365. You pay their rent. And that is the only power you have to exercise. Stopping broadcasting is not going to sway Live365. The only thing that will sway Live365 is the threat of monetary loss. This threat must be made, and it cannot be bluff.

Regardless of what anyone else does, I am going to keep my word to Live365. I'm going to cancel by the end of the year if they don't stop with the military ads. I am disappointed that you are not joining me in my protest, for my protest really only has teeth if other people are willing to also put their asses on the line.

It is your choice, Lee. You have more to lose than I do, but you cannot have your cake and eat it too. Either you're willing to risk losing your station or you're willing to support the war effort. There's really no middle ground. No good can come out of a bargain with the devil.

Morally speaking, I cannot live with myself and pay the bloodsuckers at Live365 to recruit poor, ignorant soldiers to kill Iraqis and take their freedom away. But again, it is easier for me to preach to you because you have more to lose than I do.

Now is the time to act! I have sent my notice to Live365. If they see other people doing the same, it may persuade them. It really is not a big deal for Live365 to abort the US Army Recruitment advertising campaign. They probably get the ad from an advertising Bureau, and can easily select another advertiser.

You have created, Lee, a real opportunity to do something to oppose the evil occupation of Iraq. We can actually do something -- even if that something is infinitesimally small in the grand scheme of things. We have power to create positive change, but we cannot exercise this power without risk. If we keep going down the road of passively putting up with all the evil shit that Corporations and my Government imposes upon people, it's only going to get worse. Please join me, Lee, and refuse to support this evil occupation.


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