I have never seen so much rain. I've never experienced a warmer March. Is it global climate change? Perhaps. Now Obama wants to drill as well as kill. And there's nothing that anyone can do about it because there is no less backward alternative to Obama in sight. And even if there was, the planet may already be fucked.
Maybe instead of going down with this sinking ship bitching and moaning we should embrace the good aspects of humanity and the great progressive we've made throughout our history, not only technologically, but socially. While it has been slow, we have made progressive and collectively improved ourselves.
I once heard Bukowski talking in an interview about all these people who want to save the human race. He said, why should we save it, just let it die. He was essentially saying that the human race was not worth saving. I think that we are just as deserving of being saved as any other animal, but that perhaps we should not get so fucking bent out of shape if we can't be saved, and not waste energy saving something which is probably not in our nature to be saved. You may say that I am a defeatist, but take a good look at our current situation and offer me a realistic and viable solution.
Our intensive use of resources which has allowed us to dominate as a species is what will probably fuck us. I expect that humans, because of their intelligence, will continue to exist, despite radical climactic shifts, however it will be in a dark age that we will exist is. Future generations will probably look back at us in anger, and accuse of annihilating the world. They will overlook the fact that they are the same animal as we, that it is in our nature to exploit the fuck out of everything, and without this nature, we wouldn't have survived as a species.