
Friday, June 15, 2007

28 Weeks Later Sucks Giant Elephant Cock

I never have time for this blog anymore. I just want to quickly say what a sucky let-down 28 Weeks Later was. Movie reviewers point out the movie's flaws, however, from reading many personal reviews of the movie, it's obvious that many people have no fucking taste whatsoever.

28 Days Later, one of my favorite horror movies, was gory, but it was not gore for the sake of gore. It had real characters that you could relate to, not the cliched, noble American soldier characters that looked like they came right out of a Hollywood action/adventure movie. Cookie-cutter bullshit like that makes me want to puke.

28 Weeks Later has vast plot holes, very little character development, its story is unrealized. It is nothing more than a cheap, exploitative gore fest, pretending to be artsy.

I liked the two kids in the movie. I liked their mother. They seemed real to me. The father seemed real to me until he turned into a zombie. Everything else in the movie seemed truly sucky and unreal. One other thing. I see movie reviewers talking about this movie as a metaphor for America's occupation of Iraq. Maybe, but it sure ain't a powerful one if it is. You want a good zombie metaphor for the occupation of Iraq, see Romero's Land of the Dead. This was not a great movie, but a far better sequel than 28 Weeks Later.

Better get ready. 28 Months Later will probably be coming out soon. Then 28 Years Later. Gas is expensive, and exploitative filmmakers have expensive cars, yachts and Cessnas to gas up. You must help them!